Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It’s that time of the year again…

It’s that time of the year again…New Year 2012 Pictures Comments - PhotobucketIt’s that time of ...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011


10 WAYS TO TURN YOUR ATTITUDE INTO ACTIONStep I: Understand the Power of AttitudeYour attitude is a power ...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Good Day Fellow Marketing Professionals!

Good Day Fellow Marketing Professionals!Thank your past visit to my blog @ I am a business leader in th ...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Aging is not so bad if you do so youthfully......

Aging is not so bad if you do it youthfully…… 

On November 14th of a few years past, I was introduced to an offering that I initially took very lightly. Being fresh into life, I began to evaluate and pursue what I wanted to consider as an offering in my life’s tool box arsenal. 
 There are several offerings available to individuals that are seeking hope, freedom , and success. Most of these offerings, if they are good, offer individuals the opportunity for a WAY OUT, a WAY UP, or a WAY TO.
 That’s called CHOICES….. 
 Many have gained freedom and success as a result of their efforts in doing so. Now, I am not an overly money driven individual even though we can do more with it if we had it then to need it and not have it. Most importantly it is important to be a good steward of what ever you receive. 

But I WILL support and promote what I personally know that is of value to me or the next person. 
 We all do so in some way…… 
 I engage in supportive empowerment of people to help them discover who they are, to be birthed into their positions of authority of their lives over all things that come against them. 
 This is youthful aging….. Moving through life in the midst of GREAT PEOPLE, EXPOSED TO YOUR TRUE PURPOSE. To know that all things are POSSIBLE 
 So you may ask what happened on that day in November years past? 
 It was my BIRTHDAY…. 
 Now several years past and I am approaching another celebration. Life has been up and down, Life has been challenging , Life has been rewarding....... Life has been blessed.
 I am delighted with where I am today as I am extending past my own my own trials and tribulations. I focus my energy and efforts towards the efforts of others to become achievers. 
 What has been the catalyst for that change…. 
 Was it money or a business opportunity? 
Was it a new job? Was it a new home? 
Was it a personal disaster? 
 None of the above…
 It was about the God in my life and CHOICE ….That has given me NEW life and I am aging youthfully 

 Be Blessed on this day and Much Success in all your endeavors

Written by Darrell McCutchen

Monday, October 31, 2011

Knowing who you are is who you are ....

Knowing who you are is who you are….

 In 2010, I was approached by a local community leader and long time family friend about my interest in participating in a leadership enhancement program hosted by our local university. I was completely in the dark as to any knowledgeable reference to his offering. I had not heard of the program and I knew of no one that had gone through the program. I begin to search for the answers I needed to support my decision. As I began to question known leaders in the community, I was not able to get a clear and define understanding of the journey I was about to embark upon.

 So what did I do…..I was accepted and engaged in the program. I knew that I personally felt that there was a need in the quality of my leadership offerings to others. At the point of the time line in my life and the activities that were birthing in my business endeavors I knew the clock was ticking. The program was one of the most rewarding interruptions I have experienced in my life, second only to God.
 One of the most impacting segments for me was the introduction of myself to myself.
 You see we all move through life gathering and affixing to “stuff, people and things” which inadvertly converts us to who we become.
 I later came to find out that a lot of who I thought I was I wasn’t, but I also was able to find out who I really am and that is the factor that is reality.
 And he is a pretty cool guy…..I like him, I know who he is, and It is easier for me to make him better. 

Allow me to share this excerpt from a doctor that spoke to one of the sessions we were exposed to…..
Maybe it will make more sense to you . Robert Kegan’s Theory of Adult Development Presented by~ Dr. J Barbuto
 In summary , I share this information because in order to move through life in total optimization of your efforts and endeavors, whether it is of you or service to others KNOW WHO YOU ARE. And if you don’t know who you are PAUSE and find YOURSELF.
 If you do so you can serve God more effectively, You can serve YOU more effectively, and You can be of more value to OTHERS effectively.
 Much Success
Darrell McCutchen
Business Leader
Skype~ darrell.mccutchen
  Click to e-mail me
Written by~ Darrell McCutchen

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Do you success for the Name or the Fame....

Do you seek success for the name or the fame…..

I know of a gentleman who was nominated for a prestigious position. This individual over exceeded in his qualifications for the position. He had served in its capacity in previous years and had excelled in his offerings and service. He is a great leader. A compassionate man who has his pulse on the needs and interest of others. In my observation, as I have noticed his diligent task towards the indoctrine of his new position, he has been committed and dedicated in all his efforts. It was no doubt in my mind that the organization had truly made a wise selection in his nomination.

On the day of the announcement , we were all advised that he declined to take the position and other candidates had been chosen to fulfill the position.

As I pondered in thought as to why someone would decline an offering that was so tailor made for him, I drew the conclusion that he made his choice because he didn’t need the Name or the Fame. He was a man that was already structured from within to be a servant leader without the title or the attention.

As I look about me in business, it is my observation that there are many who are more excited about the Name and the Fame but have not the inner core. There are many that are caught up in the spotlight just to be able to say “ I am …..

There is great responsibility in the task of leading people in their personal or business life. Leadership is not a cap or gown that we put on celebratory for just the moment.

It is a crown of victory we wear in honor and dignity to know that we embrace God and humanity for the betterment of tomorrow. Not only for ourselves but for the lives of those we influence.

My highest regard and respect to those of you that are true leaders. Making sound judgmental decisions unselfishly or self-centered.

It is YOU that will make our tomorrows so much brighter and secure.

I salute you.

Much Success

Written by ~ Darrell McCutchen

Friday, October 28, 2011

Welcome to Jeneusse Global

 I just returned from Orlando, FL where I went to check out this amazing, unique and new YOUTHFUL-aging, company. I was very impressed with the products, research, owners, doctors and leadership combined. I am excited to share this with you . This is the only company that manufactures these one of a kind skin care products using Adult Stem Cell Conditioned Media and DNA repair working with your own bodies stem cells and telomeres.

 It's quite amazing what we discussed and discovered while I was in Florida. But most importantly, I have been very impressed with my findings as a result of being a product of my own product.

 Jeunesse Global has a tight grip on Age Intervention..both on the INSIDE and OUT..Quoting our very own Dr. Nathan Newman, "Cutting edge technology without the cutting." Incredible infrastructure..debt-free, privately held network marketing company. Jeunesse Global currently shipping to over 80 countries.Over $60 million dollars in sales worldwide in 2 years.. Now launching in the United States.tens of millions of dollars in commissions will be made in the U.S. market alone. The top earner is already making over $60,000 a WEEK.. Lots of part-timers making $500 to $1000 per week already! (We make no income claims or guarantees-income is solely based upon your efforts)

Every woman and man you know will want and need Jeunesse Global products..
 1) Look 5 to 10 years younger
2) Have more energy
3) Improve their body composition without exercise
4) sleep like a baby again
5) increase their memory and mental function
6) improve their skin quality and improve their appearance

 Jeunesse Global Optimal Aging.

 It is called Optimal aging..Healthy, youthful aging..backed by real and thorough FACT not FICTION..Our exclusive Doctors in Jeunesse Global are world renowned for their products.Their extensive backgrounds in YOUTHFUL-aging and DNA repair is unheard of and makes Jeunesse a powerhouse in the age intervention arena. Just google Dr. Nathan Newman, pioneer utilizing Stem Cell Technology recently featured on the TV show 'Extra' and Dr. Vincient Giampapa, the grandfather of the anti- aging movement, a recent guest on the 'Dr. Oz' TV show. Jeunesse Global has the worldwide exclusive on a new topical patent-pending serum that re-activates your own Stem Cells to create collagen and elastin which takes years off your appearance. Hundreds of thousands of bottles have been ordered worldwide! We have just introduced Dr. Giampapa's NEW, exclusive AM/PM formula(2 pills in AM.2 in PM..easy!) and DNA repair products that focus on telomere and stem cell maintenance from the inside.the keys to living longer, feeling and looking better and a whole lot younger! These products have been PROVEN to slow and sometimes even reverse the aging process.

 Jeunesse Global Make Money With The Fastest Growing Team

 Shoot me back an email if you can. As I am seeking leaders on this project. I am engaging in this as we speak..You have the opportunity to partner with me and my team and be in first at the top of the organization we are building, enabling you to subsequently place your leaders on the other side, look 10 years younger while cashing in.

 Do me a favor, just look at the links below and hit me me. I have been privilege to meet and directly know the CEO’s/Founders of this phenomenal company and product. The hospitality that was extended to me and my team was like none I have experienced.

 Join Us!!

 Let me know. I would love to speak with you about Jeunesse Global asap. Timing is URGENT on this. I am sure you have heard the expression “POSITION YOURSELF”. I am seeing exponential growth in my efforts and my teams effort. The question is where do you want to position yourself….Before or AFTER. 

You can always go to my site and be a preferred customer with Jeunesse Global and get the products at wholesale.refer 2 friends to your site and yours is free, plus $50 and a FREE bottle..

 Looking and feeling younger, never felt better.

 Much Success

 Darrell McCutchen
Skype~ darrell.mccutchen
Click to e-mail me

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How I Can Help You Grow Your Ministry or Business...See How

Good Day! My name is Darrell McCutchen, from the Indiana area. I am a business leader and Christian Entrepreneur currently in collaboration with multiple ministries and Pastors nationally and internationally. I offer information, resources, and tools to empower their outreach in their local communities and abroad. If you are open to review effective options to expand and broaden your exposure, I would like to connect with you and offer suggestions to assist you. I believe that SEEING speaks in volume over WORDS , therefore I present to you a video offering for your due diligence. Photobucket You can contact me after your review to discuss your interest. Darrell McCutchen Click to e-mail me

Why You Should Use Video To Engage Your Ministry or Your Business

Whether you work for a business or a non-profit organization, you have a message you need to communicate. Finding ways for people to hear to your message isn’t really that difficult. With enough money, you can buy plenty of ads that will raise awareness about your message. However, just because people hear your message doesn’t mean they’ll actually engage with it. Money can buy ads, but no amount of money can buy voluntary user engagement. 
I am currently collaborating with multiple Pastors of churches nationally. I believe we have the most engaging message to communicate ever! Unfortunately, it’s not always communicated that way. In fact, sometimes the way the American church communicates it’s message is just downright embarrassing and even discredits our message. They usually mean well, and some churches are getting better, but like almost every other business and organization, we’re still largely experimenting and learning new things about communication and engagement every day.

I started experimenting with online video in 2010, mostly on YouTube. Along the way I’ve learned a lot about how video works, how it communicates, and how it has the potential to engage an audience unlike any other medium.

Here are some ideas from an article that I want to share as it is in alignment with my understanding and methods of outreach and  what I’ve learned works best for communicating in a church ministry context and how it can also apply to your business.

Article Submitted by ~ Tim Schmoyer

1. Use Video To Make Announcements

I used to stand in front of the congregation and share the church’s announcements about programs and events happening during the week. Unfortunately, no matter how energetic and creative I was, people gave me a blank stare or, at best, a polite smile that said, “I’m looking at you, but I’m really thinking about this afternoon’s football game.” Most people left the service 45 minutes later not remembering a thing I said.
However, if I said the exact same thing on a big screen, everyone is glued to it! In fact, one Sunday the congregation even gave the announcements video a voluntary applause! A year later I’m still hearing comments from people who remember the announcements from that week.
It’s clear that video announcements engage our audience so much better than verbal announcements or printed material, especially with our teenagers. Our youth ministry’s news videos are viewed on YouTube and download in iTunes by many more teenagers than we even have participating in our church! It’s become a great way to spread our church’s message outside the walls of our building and engage with people in our community.

In order to make the announcement videos as effective as possible, I’ve learned that it’s best to keep them short (under 3 minutes), to film each news item on-site of wherever the announced program or event will take place, pull in other people, and to add value to the video with a bit of creativity.

Video for your business

Consider shooting an announcement video to communicate with your employess and clients. Include with your next mass email. It doesn’t have to be a fancy video. Even a 30-second clip of you speaking to your webcam giving some of the quick headlines of what you want to communicate is a great place to start. Actually, that’s where I started.

2. Use Video Teasers As An Introduction

Some churches create short 30-second videos to introduce that week’s sermon. It quickly helps people focus and sets the context for the message that’s about to be delivered. It also serves as a teaser on the church website about what guests can expect that Sunday at their church.

Video for your business

Open your next staff meeting with a short video that helps people focus on the main agenda item. It quickly draws people in and it may even help spark creativity, too.

3. Use Video To Tell Stories

Churches should have more stories of amazing life-change than any other organization out there. Those stories are often encouraging, inspiring, and motivating for those who hear them.
In my church, we take one Sunday service a year to do nothing but hear faith-stories from our teenagers. It’s been great for teens to share their stories on video because it helps calm a lot of their nerves, thus their stories are often intimate and personal. The impact of hearing someone share their heart and struggles is extremely engaging! Video helps us craft the story well.
We also share stories of various programs in our church, what they’re doing in people’s lives and how others can become a part of it. For example, right now we have a team of people serving in Haiti. When they return next week we’ll use their video footage to not only raise awareness about the need there, but also to help people here engage with the need by going down there on our church’s next trip.

Video for your business

Gather some video stories from people who are engaging with your company. Have them share not only about your service or product, but how it’s making a difference in people’s lives. Be genuine about it, though — we can easily tell if it’s just another promotional video. Here’s a great example:
In fact, if your company is truly making a difference, there’s probably some people out there who would be willing to create and promote the video on your behalf.

4. Welcome Guests With A Video

Churches can unfortunately be pretty intimidating to someone who hasn’t attended one before. When we added a video on our website of our church’s pastor welcoming people and sharing a bit about us, it helped break some ice with some potential church visitors online. Not only did they see a face they knew to look for when visiting the church later that week, but they were able to hear some of the personality behind it. They also saw shots of our service in action and got a feel for what the atmosphere is like. All of this can be extremely helpful in easing the nerves of a new-comer feel even before they even enter the doors of our church.

Video for your business

People connect better with a personality than they do with your logo. Add a video to your website of someone in your company sharing a bit about your company’s vision. Don’t make it a marketing spiel — just share your heart. We all value authenticity, especially in video.