Monday, December 16, 2013

Banking Industry Education

Banking Industry Education

Your Financial Education Resized
Learn why our Banking Industry Education  is so popular with individuals and businesses throughout the United States.
 VIP Financial Education was founded on integrity over a decade ago and has been developed by a dedicated team of 44 financial and business leaders with over 400 years of combined experience. These experts consist of Bankers, CFPs, Collection Specialists, CPAs, Credit Experts, Investors, Realtors, Mortgage Professionals, Attorneys, and more. After 12 years of development and hundreds of focus classes, VIP released this invitation only online access to our curriculum; an award-winning curriculum which teaches a way to solve the banking equation for the average consumer and business owner. VIP has nearly eliminated marketing costs because our classes are shared socially. This has allowed us to temporarily avoid charging to attend or share the trainings. For those who qualify, we provide ongoing personalized coaching with our experts. This ensures techniques taught in our classes are implemented safely and always up to date. Watch all of our tutorials with no obligation, share your feedback, and share with others about our Banking Industry Education. Your Financial Education vip+financial+education+banner+580+X+72

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter Storm Hits Indiana

Winter Storm Hits Indiana

Winter Storm Hits Indiana 12-14-2013 2-29-43 PM   December is definitely bringing its true essence as The National Weather Service issued a winter alert for winter storms to hit the Northern and Southern Indiana counties.
It is expected to receive in excesss of "3-4" inches cumulative with snowfall to end by early PM Saturday. We did receive snowfall on Friday evening that has now carried over into Saturday as predicted. Many residents on Saturday morning were shoveling and snow blowing from the Friday downfall. This is  just the beginning of what we anticipate in the winter season here in Indiana. So for all of you traveling to and from as you engage in your routines.... Be Safe during this winter storm.
Give Yourselves Plenty of Time to Reach Your Destinations 
Let's Take a Ride and See What I Saw Saturday AM December 14, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Video Marketing and Marketing Services

Video Marketing and Marketing Services 

  I have been in Video Marketing and Marketing Services since 2010. It has been a challenging process for me as I have engaged towards using the most effective means to communicate my promotions, branding, and advertising efforts. I was involved in a company in 2010 whereby I attended one of their annual conference events. We traveled 9 deep in a 15-passenger van from Indiana to Long Beach, California. We are talking 46 hours ONE WAY and BACK. There were thousands of us in attendance. We were all excited to be there to meet other leaders and learn their success principles to help us take our business effort to the next level of success.
In the Saturday afternoon session, we were blessed with the presence of the one and only Mr. Les Brown, motivational speaker, writer, coach, entrepreneur....Mr. Success. He also had in attendance his aspiring son to share the stage with him.
I locked in with pencil and paper in hand, writing furiously all the notes and tips my hands could write.
Come on...This was Les Brown. What's else is there?.... Jim Rohn...Zig Ziglar and the likes of such.
Man this guy had me so fired up I was ready to set a blaze when I got home. I couldn't wait to get home and flood my market with "stuff" that I had learned about the company and all its virtue.
But Mr. Brown put the breaks on me.....
He said...
" I know all of you here are ready to go home and set the world on fire, but I want to ask you one thing. What is the key factor that will prompt other people to do business with you versus all the other thousands of people marketing the same thing?
It's YOU....People do business with people that they know like and trust. How will you accomplish that?
We must Lead with Ourselves and not with our Products.
Thus after a long collaboration with one of my colleagues on the return trip home "Attraction Marketing" i.e. "Video Marketing was birthed in my life.
I know had to seek a means of Video Marketing and Marketing Services.....The proven most effective way to introduce and be introduced....Sharing whatever it is you are passionate about to the masses.
Time has since past and I have become more proficient in my efforts using proven software.
Even though my skill set was improving there were still "How To's" that I had not conquered to support my efforts.
The learning time for Video Marketing and Marketing Services is so much greater than I perceived but I was relentless as I saw the even more growing need for individuals, corporations, small businesses, and companies to share their offerings , reduce advertising cost, and increase profits and retention. And let's not forget training.
So the challenge was finding a mentor and a mentoring system that would support my quest.
I am very thankful that I have met true caring individuals along the way that have invested in my future.
In addition to being connected with some great individuals, I now have a great training system with Marketing Video DIY.
A powerhouse system stocked with video tutorials and training that are simple enough that you can learn.
The challenge I have had with Video Marketing and Marketing Services has been met.
I highly recommend it for your success.
As for me ...I will SEE you around the world.
Much Success
Video Marketing and Marketing Success 12-4-2013 10-05-44 PM
Now I want you
On Saturday af

Chemtrails Awareness

Chemtrails Awareness

Chemtrails Awareness Resized   I logged on to my computer today to research information I wanted to share with you today and I discovered some content regarding chemtrails . I began my due diligence to prepare this information for you and I have been amazed at my findings. So let me begin with a disclaimer. *The information I will share with you today is not fact or myth, it is awareness. It is a collective of information shared. It is not of intent to make a statement against anyone or organization.* So let's begin with a conceived definition of "chemtrails" From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The term chemtrail is a portmanteau of the words "chemical" and "trail," just as contrail is a contraction of "condensation trail." The term does not refer to other forms of aerial spraying such as agricultural spraying ('crop dusting'), cloud seedingskywriting, or aerial firefighting.[4] The term specifically refers to aerial trails allegedly caused by the systematic high-altitude release of chemical substances not found in ordinary contrails, resulting in the appearance of characteristic sky tracks. Let's keep in mind that in some  cases of providing "awareness", it is not always what we don't see but in a case as such as this what we see but don't know....But let's be mindful and collect your own information as I did. Before I began to write this article I took a brief moment and stepped outside to collect my thoughts. As I looked up in the sky, this is what I saw from my home. A jet passing overhead and in the sky behind it chemtrails everywhere.
See For Yourself
Chemtrails Awareness IMG_20131213_103713_032 Chemtrails Awareness IMG_20131213_103651_168                 Chemtrails Awareness IMG_20131213_103642_704                Chemtrails Awarness IMG_20131213_103631_638   There are several voices that have spoke out on this subject of chemtrails. The chemtrail conspiracy theory posts that some trails left by aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public and directed by various government officials.[1] This theory is not accepted by the scientific community, which states that they are just normal contrails, as there is no scientific evidence supporting the chemtrail theory. I have discovered an organization that I want to share with you that have been very diligent in their efforts to share chemtrails awareness.
                                                                 WATCH THIS VIDEO

                                                You may find more of their content offerings
                                                                               CLICK HERE
I thank you for allowing me to share this information to increase your Chemtrails Awareness.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hire Your Spouse and Kids..Taxbot Insider Secrets

Hire your spouse and kids! 
By Sandy Botkin, CPA, ESQ, and IRS Insider

How would you like to deduct your child's college education, wedding, fun, and more? The truth is that you can't deduct those things. But you can hire your kids to open your business mail, mow the lawn at a rental property, shred documents, etc. Then you can deduct their wages, and have them pay for their own expenses!

If you are going to pay for their living expenses, fun, and more, then you might as well find a way to make it all deductible!Hire 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Indy Real Estate Expo 2013

Special Announcement!
Indy Real Estate Expo 2013..You are Invited Talk Fusion Studio UTC

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Experts: What Renewable Energy Source Has the Most Promise?

The Experts: What Renewable Energy Source Has the Most Promise?Kate Gordon: It Depends Where You AreThis is one ...

The Experts: What Renewable Energy Source Has the Most Promise?

The Experts: What Renewable Energy Source Has the Most Promise?

The Experts: What Renewable Energy Source Has the Most Promise? Kate Gordon: It Depends Where You Are This is one situation where the right answer really is "All of the above." Energy issues are inherently regional: Different parts of the country have different natural resources and energy needs. We see that in the oil-and-gas sector, with big new discoveries in North Dakota and California, but no major resources in the upper Midwest and Pacific Northwest, for example. Same goes for renewables: Some parts of the U.S. are windier than others, some are sunnier, some have better access to hydroelectricity or geothermal resources…. You get the point. But unlike traditional energy sources like oil, gas and coal, renewable energy can be "extracted" in every single state in the nation. In a paper I co-wrote last year for Next Generation and the Center for American Progress, we identified six distinct advanced energy regions in the U.S., each with its own unique strength in a particular form of clean energy. These regions have found competitive advantage in their ability to build on these strengths to innovate, manufacture, and deploy clean energy for their own residents, and for export to other regions. As for the time frame: Renewable energy is already a major energy source. Even here in the U.S., where we have yet to make a national policy commitment to renewable energy (and where fossil fuels are still heavily subsidized), we're still deploying enough to make these technologies cost-competitive. Wind energy, for example, is already the cheapest new source of electricity in many parts of the country, and in fact more megawatts of wind energy were installed in 2012 than any other kind of generation, including natural gas. Solar, too, is booming: Citigroup C +1.66% recently reported that rooftop solar has already reached residential "grid parity" in California. And just imagine how cheap these renewable technologies would become if we decided to charge the real social cost of burning fossil fuels, which would add between 14 and 35 cents per kilowatt-hour. We're beyond talking about the promise of renewable energy. It's a reality. It's time now to talk about how to make it a far bigger part of our nation's energy future. Kate Gordon (@katenrg) is vice president and director of the energy and climate program at Next Generation. She previously served as vice president for energy and environment at the Center for American Progress.

  Article shared by:
Darrell McCutchen, Independent Associate
ECO Power ..The Leading Choice in the Expansion of Deregulated Markets

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Don't Miss This......

Good Day! 
Don't Miss This......
The government is extending its efforts to us with energy and utility cost through deregulation.
We may continue to PAY MORE or PAY LESS..It is OUR Choice.
This is only an option for you...Keep It or Share It Please
Thank You!Talk Fusion Studio UTC

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Special Announcement!!!!.......

Special Announcement!!!:

I always take pride with sharing my resources with my community.

I have added the SEACRET Facial, Body, and Anti-Ageing product line to my arsenal of offerings for your personal care. This product line has NO age boundaries for its use.

I offer you opportunity or access availability to this great line of Products.

Click Here~ or View the video below for more information.

Contact me if you have an interest or If not SHARE IT ...Someone else might!(That's a fact)

I look forward to hearing from you 

Thank you for your time


Darrell Mccutchen Talk Fusion Studio UTC

Monday, April 8, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

There is a lot of information out there about credit......

There is a lot of information out  there about credit.

There is a lot of information out there about credit.
Unfortunately not all of it is true, here are some common credit myths:
MYTH: When I pay off a past-due account, such as a charge-off or a collection account, it will show “paid” and will no longer negatively affect my credit report.

TRUTH: Unfortunately, paying off a charge-off won’t remove it from your report. In fact, it may stay on your report for up to 7 years after your payment.

There is a lot of information out  there about credit.

MYTH: If I succeed in deleting a negative item, it will just come right back on my credit report.

TRUTH: If we remove an item from your credit report, it won’t come back. All of our results are permanent.

There is a lot of information out  there about credit.

MYTH: There are negative listings, such as bankruptcies and foreclosures, that are impossible to remove from the credit report.

TRUTH: We have had success in removing inaccurate/unverifiable bankruptcies and foreclosures. (Your actual results may vary.)

There is a lot of information out  there about credit.

MYTH: Disputing the credit report is easy and any consumer can do it himself for the price of a few postage stamps.

TRUTH: Yes, you can. Disputing items is easy. Getting results may not. Many of our clients have found that the bureaus are not very cooperative in assisting them to correct the items on their reports. They want to make the process difficult for the consumer, they are hoping that you will just give up, and not pursue them.

There is a lot of information out  there about credit.

That is where we come in. We have many years of  experience in dealing with the credit bureaus. Our job is to ensure they are in compliance with all aspects of the reported information that you request for us to challenge.

MYTH: By changing numbers in my social security number or by using an EIN tax number, I can fool the credit bureaus into creating a completely clean, new credit file under my name.

TRUTH: This is NOT legal! We recommend that you stay far away from anyone who suggests this method to you.

There is a lot of information out  there about credit.

MYTH: If I build enough good credit, it will offset my bad credit and make me credit worthy.

TRUTH: While this will help in the long run, your negative items will still bring your scores down. Removing the inaccurate information is the fastest way to restore your credit worthiness.

There is a lot of information out  there about credit.

MYTH: I can improve my credit score by closing down some credit cards.

TRUTH: This is not typically the case. You want to keep the credit cards with a long, positive credit history. The longer the account remains open, the better the positive impact is on your scores. Your cards will automatically close down after a long period of inactivity. A closed account is not generating any current history which your scores rely upon.

There is a lot of information out  there about credit.

There is a lot of information out  there about credit.
There is a lot of information out  there about credit.
There is a lot of information out  there about credit.

There is a lot of information out there about credit.......

There is a lot of information out there about credit.CREDIT DMS IS YOUR HELP TODAY! ...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Payment History, Credit Cards, Revolving Debt and how it effects your credit scores

Payment History, Credit Cards, Revolving Debt  and how it effects your credit scores

Payment History, Credit Cards, Revolving Debt and how it effects your credit scores

Payment History, Credit Cards, Revolving Debt
and how it effects your credit scores
Q+APayment History is 35% of your scores: How delinquent is the payment? Have you been 30, 60, 90 or 120 days late? Is it still outstanding?
When your credit scores are calculated factoring Payment History, primary consideration is given to the following categories:

·    Recent history- How long ago where you delinquent? Are you still delinquent? Recent late payments can hurt your scores by 100 points.

·    Prevalence- How many obligations do you have? How long have you had them? What percentages of your accounts show late payments?

When calculating your credit scores factoring revolving debt (where your balance can fluctuate) is looked at different than loans/installment debt (where the balance can only decrease).

Revolving debt is 35% of your credit score.
Primary considerations when factoring revolving debt, given in the order of importance:

·    Do you have any active revolving debt that has had charges on it in the last 6 months?  If you have inactive revolving debt with no late payments, you may want to charge a small amount to make it active.

·    If you have balances on your revolving debt over your limit, it is negatively affecting your scores the most.

·    If you have high balances on your revolving debt and are close to your limit it is negatively affecting your scores, even if you have made your payments on time. Lenders do not want to see high balances because it looks to them that you may not have the money to pay any more than the minimum payment.

·    If you get your balance on each revolving account below 50% of its credit limit it will have the quickest substantial effect you can make on improving your credit scores.

·    The next threshold would be a balance below 30%. Ideally you want to have a revolving debt-to-credit ratio of less than 15% of your income. But the biggest impact is when you get each account below 30% of the limit.

·    Remember this is a computer calculating your scores, so $1 over the threshold will not trigger the score change. So take into consideration monthly interest charges.

·    If you have no revolving debt or bad revolving debt you may want to get a secured credit card to start establishing revolving debt or to offset the bad revolving debt.  The credit limit will have no effect on your credit scores. Example it is twice as good to have two accounts with a $200 credit limit and a good payment history as one account with a $400 credit limit and a good payment history.  Remember to keep the balance under 50% of the credit limit.

If you are preparing to purchase a home, it may be better to have cash reserves then pay down too much debt. Once you close on your home you can always use the cash reserve to pay off the debt. Contact your loan officer to consult you on this situation.

The amount of Time Credit Has Been Is Use is 15% of your scores.
The longer you have had an account, the better the score as long as the credit you have has been in good standings.

It is important to look at how long you have had an account and how long it has been on the credit report. The average age of your accounts are taken into considerations when calculating your score. Do not close credit card accounts after you pay them off if they have a good payment history. The positive credit history helps increase your credit scores. You must also use the accounts that you have. If it has been a few years since you have used an account, it may not hold much of a score. Using the accounts you have even if it is just for a small purchase will help your score.

Try to keep the amount of credit cards you keep down to a minimum. Three or four open credit cards are a good amount to have.

Unpaid credit card balances are the worst kind of debt. Pay these down first, before mortgages, installment debt or student loans.

Generally your credit, good or bad will stay on your report for 7 to 10 years. Removing negative items on your credit report has a major impact on your scores.  We hope this information will help you to keep your good credit active while we work on removing your negative credit.
Payment History, Credit Cards, Revolving Debt and how it effects your credit scores

Payment History, Credit Cards, Revolving Debt and how it effects your credit scores

CREDIT DMS IS YOUR HELP TODAY! History, Credit Cards, Revolving Debtand how it ...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Here's An Effective Strategy For Anyone Trying To Rebuild Credit

Here's An Effective Strategy For Anyone Trying To Rebuild CreditWipe Errors Off Your Credit Report In 5 Simple ...

Here's An Effective Strategy For Anyone Trying To ...

 Here's An Effective Strategy For Anyone Trying To ...: Here's An Effective Strategy For Anyone Trying To Rebuild Credit Wipe Errors Off Your Credit Report In 5 Simple Steps CREDIT DMS IS...

Here's An Effective Strategy For Anyone Trying To Rebuild Credit

Here's An Effective Strategy For Anyone Trying To Rebuild Credit
Here's An Effective Strategy For Anyone Trying To Rebuild Credit

Wipe Errors Off Your Credit Report In 5 Simple Steps


Here's The Basic House Payment Calculation Most Lenders Won't Share

Credit Scores: Have you ever wondered how they come up with a three-digit number that can predict whether you're a good or bad credit risk?
Back in the 1980s, a group of credit grantors, Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) and one of the three national credit bureaus got together to develop a way to help lenders better predict risk and comply with some of the various consumer protection regulations, such as the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
They set out to develop an automated system that would rank-order the likelihood of a borrower paying on time each month, based entirely on information found in a credit report.
The hope was that such a system would enable lenders to approve more credit cards and loans to more people without increasing their losses, while ensuring regulatory compliance.
The result was a credit bureau risk score consisting of a three-digit number ranging between 300 and 850 that represented the odds of a borrower paying all credit obligations on time, with higher odds of paying as agreed leading to higher three-digit numbers -- and lower future risk to lenders.
Nowadays there are many companies developing and marketing credit scores, yet consumers remain mostly in the dark about how the formulas for these scores originate. And while the fine details of credit scoring formulas are both proprietary and quite complex, a basic underlying knowledge of how scores work can be helpful to anyone trying to manage their credit more effectively.


What follows is a very general description of how credit scores are developed:

Step 1: Get the data

First, a credit bureau will agree to provide the credit score developers with sets of credit information taken from the credit reports of millions of anonymous consumers, as of two points in time -- typically two years apart -- for each consumer.
While credit scoring can often seem more arbitrary than reality-based, the information used in credit scoring and the impact of that information on a credit score is entirely based on the real-life experience of millions of consumers.

Step 2: Identify the predictive characteristics

Next begins process of observing the various trends and correlations between the first and second sets of credit reports, focusing in on defaults, bankruptcies and other negative credit outcomes, in a search for characteristics among that first set of credit reports that might have predicted some of those outcomes found two years later.
For example, the data might show that consumers defaulting on credit card accounts were found to have comparatively high credit card debt in the years leading up to the default. If so, high credit card balances could be among the various predictive characteristics making up a credit scorecard.


Step 3: Build the scorecards

Once a reliable set of predictive characteristics has been established, each is weighted according to its predictive value and organized in a scorecard-like grid, with the various weights for each characteristic represented by a number of points that correspond to the attributes of the credit report being evaluated (scored).

Step 4: Calculate the score

Once the scorecards are created, the credit reports are ready to be scored. But within each credit scoring model there are a number of different scorecards, each tailored to a specific credit profile that looks at categories, such as the length of credit history, number of credit accounts, and the presence of negative information, among other factors.
This multiple scorecard system enables the formula to predict consumer credit worthiness within a wide range of different credit experiences that includes people who have never missed a payment, those just coming out of bankruptcy, and everyone in between.
The first step in calculating a credit score is identifying the most predictive scorecard for a particular consumer, followed by compiling the points earned for each of the scorecard characteristics according to the information found in the credit report.

Step 5: Validate the score

Finally, there's that nagging bit of skepticism -- not only among consumers, but also among the score developers themselves at this stage of the process -- that questions whether the score actually does what it's supposed to do.
As one way of validating the scoring formula's ability to accurately predict future risk, a lender will instruct the credit bureau to use the newly developed formula to calculate scores retroactively on some of its own borrowers' archived credit reports, as of the date the credit was originally granted.
This vital step enables the lender to determine the accuracy of the scores through hindsight, such that a successful validation should result in the good performers scoring high and the poor performers having low retroactive scores.



Here's An Effective Strategy For Anyone Trying To Rebuild Credit

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Credit Solutions........

Credit Solutions...Personal or Business

Resources to Empower Your Success

Talk Fusion Video Newsletter